This By-law was adopted on October 27, 2011 and has since received various amendments. The most current document is provided below.
• Gimli Zoning By-law No. 11-0013 Amended consolidated version.
Note: Zoning Maps are at the end of this document
As of January 1, 2015 the RM of Bifrost and the Village of Riverton amalgamated, creating the Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton. Until such time that a consolidated Zoning By-law can be adopted the two independent existing documents shall be in force.
This By-law was adopted on March 14, 2012.
• RM of Bifrost Zoning By-Law No. 04-2011
Note: Zoning Maps are at the end of this document.
This By-law was adopted on July 26, 2011 and has since received various amendments. The most current document is provided below.
• Town of Arborg Zoning By-law No. 6-2011
Note: Zoning Map is at the end of this document.
This By-law was adopted on December 12, 2012 and has since received various amendments. The most current document is provided below.
- Town of Winnipeg Beach Zoning By-law No. 08-2012
Note: Zoning Map is at the end of this document